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The Washington Times: General: U.S. to deploy land-based Tomahawks in Asia

By Bill Gertz

Xi warns party of political explosion

Chinese President Xi Jinping warned in a major speech this month of growing risks and dangers for the Chinese Communist Party in its ideological confrontation with the West.

“Now, various risks and dangers are highly correlated, strongly linked, and rapidly transmitted,” Mr. Xi said in a speech to hundreds of senior officials at an internal meeting Feb. 7. “A little carelessness can cause a butterfly effect. Small risks will become big risks; risks will become general risks; and economic and social risks will become political risks.”

Party officials were urged to “identify risks early, act quickly, take command at the front, and make immediate judgments as soon as they arise.”

“Do not let small things be delayed to become big things, and big things be delayed until they explode,” Mr. Xi said.

The speech was first reported by the Sinoinsider newsletter, which closely monitors developments in China.

Mr. Xi began warning of political dangers facing the ruling Communist Party several times since coming to power in 2012. By 2018, he voiced concerns about worsening relations with Washington amid a trade war with the Trump administration.

The decade-long warnings are indications Mr. Xi’s policies of seeking stability and a consolidation of power are not working, Sinoinsider stated in its analysis of the speech.

“If anything, it is becoming increasingly observable that Xi’s ‘solution’ to defusing risks and preserving the regime (i.e., intense power centralization, strengthening of the national security state, and elevating Xi and the Party‘s position above all) are accelerating the regime’s headlong dash towards disaster and failure,” the newsletter stated.

The current policy of power consolidation and greater Communist Party controls are leading to increasing social tensions and political risks. Attempts by Mr. Xi to strengthen Party control over the financial sector are driving away foreign capital and sparking factional struggles.

Sinoinsider predicts the problems will not be easily solved: “Unless Xi abandons the CCP and moves China towards genuine reforms, he will almost certainly go down with the communist regime that he is currently striving hard to save,” the newsletter said.

See original article


James Newman


白邦瑞, 《百年馬拉松》作者

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Ravni Thakur, 印度德里大學東亞學系教授


Charles Nelson, Managing Director, Murdock Capital Partners


Lee Smith,作家兼記者


Ms. Nicoleta Buracinschi, 羅馬尼亞駐華大使館


James Newman,美國前海軍密碼專家

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Lee Jones,倫敦瑪麗皇后大學國際政治副教授


Roy Licklider,美國哥倫比亞大學政治學兼職教授


Sebastien Ricci,法新社駐中國和蒙古記者

透視中國對中美貿易戰和朝鮮的洞察力非常強。 他們的預測通常很準確,毫無疑問這是非常有幫助的。」

Sebastien Ricci,法新社駐中國和蒙古記者


John Lipsky,彼得 G·彼得森傑出學者,基辛格全球事務中心


Kun-Chin Lin 博士,英國劍橋大學大學政治學講師,地緣政治學中心副主任


Stephen Nagy,日本國際基督教大學高級副教授


Howard Sanborn, 美國弗吉尼亞軍事學院教授

James Newman,美國前海軍密碼專家

劉正川, 嘉義大學榮譽教授




Robert Thurman,哥倫比亞大學宗教系, 印度藏傳佛教研究 Jey Tsong Khapa名譽教授
